Tūranga Social Services

Iwi Maatua Whangai Care Services

The purpose of this service is to work co-operatively with Oranga Tamariki, and other organisations to provide short- or long-term care for mokopuna and whānau.

The service recruits and approves appropriate people into a caregiver role. Caregivers are supported by the service ensuring they complete training and receive supervision. In turn maintaining caregivers that are confident and competent to provide care.

Community Respite Care – Early Support and Prevention

This is the provision of support to whānau where children and young people have come into respite care. The service includes social work support to the whānau and support and education training to the caregiver. Each whānau will have a Health and Safety assessment completed which will formulate a plan with achievable goals.

Whānau Resilience / Tau Aki Whānau / Family Violence Specialists

Whānau Resilience is an initiative that aims to create strong, resilient communities where whānau are supported to live violence free and to eliminate violence for the next generation. People experiencing and using violence often need help at different times in their lives, so Whānau Resilience offers long-term support when people need it.

In addition, Tau Aki Whānau and Family Violent Specialists provide counselling and social work provision for family violence. We work in partnership with Whangaia and other agencies to engage with Whānau that are experiencing family violence. Work includes, ensuring safe, effective, and appropriate risk assessments, safety plans are implemented. Referrals are accepted from all sources.

Te Wharau O Te Tairāwhiti Remand Home

Community-based remand home that supports the needs of rangatahi / young people remanded into youth justice custodial care for on average a period to six weeks, by providing a safe, nurturing environment close to whānau and the community.