
Mā te ture anō te ture āki 
Assisstance for navigating the judicial system and the courts process in Gisborne and Ruatoria. Our purpose is to help whānau stay out of prison and minimise sentencing impact. Our interaction with whānau uses the Manaaki Tairāwhiti values steps as a Way of Working.
Tētahi Tangata Pukumahi
(Collective Understanding)
Mā Mātou Kōrero
Ka Hoki Mai Anō

(Whānau are Flourishing)


How we can help you through the judicial process

We have a range of services and advice to help whānau navigate through the courts process. Here are some services available that we can help you with: 
  • Understanding the process 
  • Making sure your voice is heard and understood. 
  • Working with you and your whānau on a plan to provide the Court. 
  • Connecting to the right services to address any needs you might have. 
  • Providing information to the court about your situation and the support available to you as needed. 
 This includes victims, offenders, and whanau. 

For more information contact us below.
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